Putting portuguese geosciences on the web

Brilha J.B., Legoinha P., Neves L.

Apresentado na CINTEC 2001 - International Conference on New Technologies in Science Education, Aveiro, Julho, 2001
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Technologies in Science Education, A. Breda, A. Bajuelos, D. Catalano (Eds.), vol. I, 207-212.

Abstract: During the last five years, some portuguese geologists have made a strong effort in putting Geoscience contents on the web, many of them available now to the general public and scholar population. This effort has been made mostly by isolated persons and does not reflect a whole tendency of the national geological community. In order to congregate these isolated initiatives, a new group of the Portuguese Geological Society has been constituted (GEOTIC). In this paper some of the geology web contents available in Portugal will be presented as well as a few of the most interesting starting points for the search of geological information on the Web. The authors consider that the use of ICT contribute to enhance the geoscience culture of the society, a science that is being kept apart from the general public.

Key-words: internet, geosciences, education, natural sciences.

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