How to get to Braga

The best option to travel to Braga is by air using the Oporto International Airport, located about 40 km south of the city (30-40 minutes car ride). In case of choosing the Lisbon International Airport, comfortable trains are available linking Lisbon to Braga in less then 4 hours.

Arrivals to Oporto airport:
You can use taxi or Aerobus to go to city centre. If you use Aerobus shuttle, stop at Avenida dos Aliados and ask the direction to São Bento Railway Station (not far). Click here for timetables of all trains to Braga.

Arrivals to Lisbon airport:
You can use taxi or bus number 44 to "Gare do Oriente". Click here for timetables of the three daily trains to Braga.

Arrivals to Braga railway station or bus station:
Use a taxi and ask for Universidade do Minho - Gualtar.

Arrivals to Braga by car:
From North: Use A3 motorway and leave at Braga Oeste way out. Follow the directions towards Braga and Chaves. Approaching the university there are some road signs.

From South: Use A3 motorway and leave at Braga Sul way out. Follow the directions towards Braga Sul and Chaves. Approaching the university there are some road signs.